Sunday, November 27, 2005

What the limbo is this!!!

ok, first let me say this: "limbo" is another word for "he-double L"'s true, I just looked it up in my Roget's thesaurus!
anyway! This is what I found in my refrigerator the day before Thanksgiving. I was cleaning out the frig to make room for the inevitable leftovers, when I came across my nice white Corning Ware dish, that had canned pineapple in it.
hmmmmm the last time I opened a can of pineapple was in September - has it really been in there all this time? at any rate - look what happens to pineapple that sits in the refrigerator for upwards of 2 months (no, I am not nasty, and nope, my refrigerator is not filthy...this was just a dish that escaped my attention - that's all! for real! WHAT! like you never found anything icky in your refrigerator!!! :oP
SO! I went looking on the dubya-dubya-dubya...and couldn't find this particular strain of mold anywhere! thank heavens anyway - it's pretty gross!
any mold experts out there?!? "orange" you glad I showed you this picture - I bet you're feeling pretty darned smug about the current state of your own refrigerator LOL!!!

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